Learning to Lead - September 16th and 17th, 2023

Fundamentals of Leadership 2 Day Clinic - September 16th and 17th, 2023

This 2 day leadership course is unique in its partnership with horses to aid in providing immediate feedback to the learner regarding how they are showing up and managing their energy throughout the learning experience. 

We will focus on key fundamental skills every leader needs regardless of what type of leadership role they are in or for how long.

Each day will begin with classroom - format discussion and then we will move to applying new learning to our interaction with the horses before journaling, reflecting, ad discussing how we would apply these concepts outside of the arena in our everyday lives.

We will cover 4 primary leadership styles, why we need each one, and how to move fluidly through them depending on what the situation calls for.  At the end of the two days you can return to the office on Monday prepared with a new set of tools which can be applied immediately regardless of the field in which you work.
